Pre-construction Pest Control
Precision Pest Control has been servicing the construction industry and the general community for more than 30 years and has developed extensive experience in pre-construction pest control.
We operate and have local experience in the Sydney region, Canberra, Newcastle and the Central Coast of NSW.
Get a free quote today and stay pest-free!

We are fully qualified in many different types of pre-construction pest control. We make it our priority to stay up-to-date with the latest installation methods and utilise the considerable experience and expertise of our staff to make sure our clients receive the highest quality service and job outcomes.
What are the methods of pre-construction pest control?
- Kordon Termite Barrier
- Altis Termite Reticulation System
- Granitgard Termite Solutions
- Alterm Termite Barrier.
Click on each icon below to discover the best pre-construction pest control for you.