Three ways to protect your residents (and your reputation) from cockroaches
Cockroaches. Aargh! Nobody wants to see these pesky critters running through their kitchen, especially when that kitchen is responsible for feeding potentially vulnerable people. But worry not, here are three simple things you can do today to help protect your aged care home and health and care facilities – and the residents – from a cockroach pest infestation.
1. Avoid clutter
Have a look at your kitchen. Is there anything on the surfaces or on shelves? Does it need to be there? Can it go in a cupboard instead?
Clean out kitchen drawers and storage spaces. Get rid of anything you don’t need any more and put away everything you can.
2. Store pantry items in sealed containers
Cockroaches are often brought into kitchens in food packaging and boxes. Make sure you decanter food in boxes into sealed storage containers and don’t keep boxes in your kitchen area.
Check all your existing containers are sealed properly. Replace any that are broken. Remember, cockroaches are experts at squeezing through tiny gaps (as are other pests!).
3. Have an up-to-date pest management plan
The key to avoiding pest infestations is a long-term pest management program. This will minimise exposure to residents, and have minimal impact on day-to-day activities.
Precision Pest Control has extended experience in conducting long-term and effective pest control solutions in sensitive areas and understands the importance of discreet pest control.