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Precision Staff and Families Helping to Preserve the Environment

At Precision Pest Control we take pride in looking after the environment and the community around us. That’s why we took the day off to lend a helping hand with our loved ones.
At the time of the first encounters with Europeans, Aboriginal people of 2 different nations – the Goorawal People and the Gweagal People – were living in the area which now includes Kamay Botany Bay National Park.
Over 30 Aboriginal sites have been recorded in the park, including rock art and engravings. Much of the park’s unspoilt flora give an idea of the plants that were present pre-1770. A conservation effort to protect and rehabilitate rare and threatened species and ecosystems is underway to help preserve this iconic Sydney heritage-listed park. Henry Head walking track leads through the rare eastern suburbs Banksia scrub now listed as an endangered ecological species. Pests and weeds have a significant impact to the ecosystems within Kamay Botany Bay National Park. Reduction of pest species such as bitou bush and boneseed, as well as risk assessment for new and emerging weeds, is an important part of the work NPWS does to protect the biodiversity values of this national park.
The Precision Pest Control staff and families had a fun filled day and were involved with bush regeneration, planting of Native seedlings and weed removal. The staff were successful in carefully clearing approximately 500 sqm of dense introduced trees and shrubs whilst maintaining the native vegetation.
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